Are you interested in working with the management of government debt, cash management and financial assets or issues related to statutory governmental pension, accident and indemnity insurance? Approximately 270 experts work on these and other matters at the State Treasury. The work is interesting and involves a broad range of different responsibilities. It also gives you a good idea of the work tasks in your own area in central government. We employ modern, continually developed tools and are supported by a quality working community that is developed actively. We take good care of the occupational well-being and expertise of our personnel.

The work is interesting and responsible.

In addition to expert skills in your own area of expertise, we value good interactive skills, a customer-oriented approach to work, team work skills and fluent oral and written communication skills. Oral and written skills in both domestic languages are also among the skills we value. The state’s general collective agreements are applied to personnel employment relationships. On average, Government employees have better annual holiday benefits than those offered in the general labour market. At first, employees earn two weekdays of annual holiday per holiday credit month, and after one year of service, they earn 2.5 weekdays of annual holiday per month. Those who have served for more than 15 years earn 3 weekdays of holiday per holiday credit month. We promote the work-life balance by encouraging employees to make use of family leave on an equal basis, for example.