Can purchase service costs be accepted?

In the event industry, there are not necessarily “traditional” fixed costs. There can be purchase service costs such as the use of expert services instead (e.g. attaching a freelancer to a project as a producer). Is such an expense accepted?

In the cost support criteria there is a definition of non-flexible costs that includes hired labour costs that correspond to the work tasks carried out by the company’s own staff and are necessary for maintaining the company’s business or business readiness. For example, a producer hired for a project during support period (1.6. – 31.10.2020) could be considered a necessary hired labour cost at discretion.

Non-flexible business costs, which are equivalent to the activities performed by their own staff and which are necessary to maintain business or business readiness, may also be considered as inflexible business costs included in the cost base. On the basis of company-specific considerations, for example, the costs of a producer attached to a project for the support period (1.6.-31.10.2020) could be considered necessary labor costs.